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Classroom Lessons

Park Road Classroom Lessons K-5


I visit classes to share stories and teach age appropriate lessons from our District Counseling Curriculum. Lessons include topics such as listening, social skills, friendship, and conflict resolution. Lessons and books may vary slightly from year to year. 



        Expected Behavior - David Goes to School

        Personal Space Camp

        I Just Don't Like the Sound of No!

        Words are Not for Hurting

        Kindness is Cooler Mrs. Ruler

         Making Mistakes - Beautiful Oops

         Friendship - Peanut Butter and Cupcake

         Self Esteem- I am a Rainbow


First Grade

         This Year will be the Best

         Personal Space

         Listening - Listen Buddy

         Lacey Walker Non-Stop Talker

         You Get What You Get

         Me First

         Don't Squeal Unless it's a Big Deal

-          Feelings - Today I Feel Silly and Other Moods that Make My Day

-          Model Friend

-          Friendship Garden

-          Hurt Feelings - The Hurt

         The Invisible Boy

-          Compliments

         Self-Esteem - I'm Gonna Like Me

         Accepting Differences - Stand Tall Molly Lou Melon

         A Bad Case of Stripes

-          Bullying - The Recess Queen

         What if Everybody Did That

         Tacky the Penguin

-          Conflicts and Talk It Out Table - Enemy Pie

-          What is Conflict - The Honey Hunters

-          The Conflict Escalator - The Quarreling Book

-          Solving Conflicts - The Island of the Skog

-          Solving Problems - The Zax

-          Perspective - The True Story of the Three Little Pigs

-          Conflict and Feelings - The Grouchy Lady Bug

-          Diversity - Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun

-          Community - A Chair for My Mother

         Service Project - Water Bottles for our 5th Grade Graduates


Second Grade - Mindset

-          Mindset Powerpoint

         Your Fantastic Elastic Brain

         Making a Splash

         The Girl Who Never Makes Mistakes

         Give Up Gekko

         The Most Magnificent Thing



Third Grade

-          Peacemakers and Peacebreakers

-          Big Problems vs. Little Problems

-          The Peace Rose

-          Using the Peace Table


Fourth Grade - Bullying

-          The Importance of Kindness - Greenie

-          One – Recognizing Bullying

-          My Secret Bully – different types of bullying

-          Say Something – What to do

-          Self Esteem - Zero

-          Making Mistakes and Accepting Feedback


Fifth Grade - Bullying and Conflict Resolution

         Labels / Erase Bullying

         What is Conflict

         Conflict Styles / Perspective

         Communication Styles -  Listening

         Communication Styles – Passive, Aggressive, Assertive, I-Messages

-          Problem Solving through Mediation – The Butter Battle Book

-          Role Playing Mediation

         Accepting Differences, Recognizing Prejudice - Paper Plate Face Activity