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Counseling at PRE

Welcome to Mrs. Paino's counseling page!

Choose Kindness

I am so excited to have the privilege of working with your child throughout their elementary school years. I will be providing a variety of services throughout the school year aimed at supporting student's social, emotional, and academic needs. My role encompasses counseling, classroom teaching, and coordinating. Please know I am here to help your child in anyway I can.

Services include, but are not limited to:

Individual counseling: I provide individual short term counseling services. Parents or teachers may refer a child for counseling or the student may initiate the contact. For younger children, I offer Child Centered Play Therapy (detailed information available upon request).

Group Counseling: Groups are formed when children have similar needs. Sometimes children are in groups to serve as role models, to support others, or because they are interested in the topic. Groups focus on: separation/divorce, social skills, feelings, anger management, anxiety and stress, or friendship topics.

Classroom teaching: I visit classes to share stories and teach age appropriate lessons from our District Counseling Curriculum. Lessons include topics such as listening and social skills, friendship, and conflict resolution.

Parent Support: I am also available as a resource to parents. You are welcome to come in to discuss topics such as discipline, separation/divorce, moving, death, academic concerns, school adjustment or any other topic of concern. Feel free to stop in and borrow books or other resources.

A final note...

Sometimes unexpected changes can occur that may have an impact on a child at school. If you have changes at home or other concerns, please feel free to contact me to let me know so we can come up with a plan on how to best help your child. My e-mail and phone number are listed below, both of which are confidential.

When a situation warrants, I will contact parents concerning my involvement with their child. However, because interaction with children is such an integral part of the school day, I can't guarantee every interaction will be communicated with you. Feel free to contact me any time you have questions, concerns, or would just like to touch base during the year. I look forward to working with each student here at Park Road and watching them become the best version of themselves.


Robyn Paino(Loveland)

Robyn Paino (Loveland)
School Counselor
Park Road Elementary School