Park Road Elementary School
50 Park Road
Pittsford, NY 14534
Main Office | 267-1500 |
Attendance Line | 267-1509 |
Mrs. Ali, Principal | 267-1501 |
Mrs. Jennifer Figo, Principal’s Secretary | 267-1502 |
Ms. Kathleen Machiele, Faculty Secretary | 267-1500 |
Mrs. Mary Scott, RN, School Nurse Teacher Mrs. Mackenzie Goss, RN |
267-1540 |
Mrs. Robyn Paino, School Counselor | 267-1560 |
Fax Line - Main Office | 385-6356 |
Fax Line - Health Office | 218-1550 |
Transportation Department | 267-1480 |
Grades |
Arrival Window |
Dismissal |
K-5 | 8:30 - 8:40 a.m. | 3:05 p.m. |
Arrival: Park Road’s doors open for students at 8:30 am. Students should enter through our front doorway. If parents are dropping students off, please use the West parking lot area and drop students off at our West (A Wing) door and circle through and out the West parking lot. Cars are NOT allowed in our front loop during bus arrival. Students may not enter the building early without permission.
All students should be in the building no later than 8:40 a.m. Students arriving after 8:40 am will be considered late or tardy. If you are arriving after 8:40 am, parents need to accompany students into the building and sign them in with the main office.
Dismissal: Student dismissal procedures will begin at 3:00 pm. Students getting picked up, walking, riding a bicycle or attending the after-school YMCA program housed at Park Road will be dismissed at 3:00. Students riding the bus home will be dismissed to their busses at 3:05.
If parents are picking their child up for dismissal (at normal dismissal time) they should come to the school between 2:50 and 2:55, park in the West/Left side lot, your child(ren) will be released to you from the A-Wing door.
If you are picking your child up early (e.g. NOT at the normal dismissal time), you will continue to come through the main entryway and sign your child out in the main office.
Walking and Biking
Many of our students walk or ride their bicycles to and from school. There are many safety factors to be considered. If you choose to let your child walk to school, we encourage him/her to walk with a buddy. IF they will be walking or biking (or a combination of the two) all the time (e.g. Monday – Friday) or on a consistent schedule (e.g. every Tuesday and Thursday) a one-time written permission slip sent to your child’s teacher is necessary. If they are walking or biking more sporadically, a written permission slip is required EACH time that a student will be walking or riding a bike home from school. Students walking or biking must always check out with the adult in the main lobby prior to leaving.
Kindergarten and first grade students are not allowed to walk or bike home by themselves. They MUST be accompanied by an older, responsible sibling or other student identified by the parent.
If you opt to let your child ride a bike to school, please be sure to review bike safety rules with your child. A bicycle helmet is required for all bikers. Reinforce with your child that riding in the parking lot is not permitted. Students must cross Park Road with the crossing guard.
Please Note: If you are calling in to have your child picked up, give permission to walk, bike, or be picked up by another parent, please SEND IN A NOTE on the day of the occurrence. If you find it necessary to call the office with such a change, please do so by 11:30 a.m., unless it is an extreme emergency. Phone calls made after that time cause disruption to the classroom and last minute phone calls can lead to confusion at dismissal time.
Regular student attendance is an integral factor in maintaining a quality educational program. Parents are required to call the school at 267-1509 by 9:30 a.m. if their son/daughter will be absent. It is our policy to validate every child’s absence by 11:00 a.m. each school day. If your child is tardy to school, it is required that a parent accompany their child into the school and sign him/her in at the Main Office.
If your child needs to leave early, a note should accompany your child stating the time of departure, the reason for leaving, and the name of the adult who will pick the child up. Please try to avoid calling to arrange this after school has started and do not email teachers or leave voicemail messages for teachers regarding a student leaving early. Parents must report to the Main Office to sign their child out of school for early dismissal.
It is for the safety of all students at Park Road School that we follow these guidelines. Thank you for your cooperation.
Determination of excused and unexcused absences
The following reasons for absences and tardiness are accepted by the Pittsford Central School District as excused:
Sickness in the family
Death in the family
Religious observance
Court attendance
Music lesson
Impassable roads or bad weather
Approved school visits
Medical appointment
Approved cooperative work program
School-sponsored activities
Approved employment visits
Activities in which students are representing the school or district
Principal-approved educational experiences
All other absences (e.g. vacations) are considered “unexcused.”
Recess/Lunch for Grades K – 5 is staggered between the hours of 11:00 AM and 1:25 PM. Each grade level has a combined lunch block of 30 minutes. All classes will also have at least one 20 minute recess block each day.
Parents are encouraged to use the prepaid lunch program for their children. You may pre-pay for lunches by putting funds on your child’s debit lunch card. You may also print a form from the website.
The Food Service Department handles all aspects of lunch including: purchasing, menus, snack choices, debit cards. The menu is available on the district website. Please work with your child to ensure he/she is aware of their lunch options and any dietary restrictions. Alternate lunches are listed on the menu. These items are always available to your child instead of the daily-featured entrée.
Please note the website where you can check your accounts and add funds:
For additional information call 267-1575.
At the time of registration, a cumulative folder is prepared for each student. These folders are, stored and locked within the Main Office. These records are confidential. Parents may examine these records upon request to the teacher or principal, and must examine the folder in the presence of a staff member. Parents may request copies of any or all parts of a cumulative folder. The following items are typically found in a student's cumulative folder:
- registration materials
- standardized test results
- classroom teacher, report card, conference summaries, etc.
- records of disciplinary action - suspension from school
Closing Announcements
If the decision is made to close schools, radio stations and local TV affiliates are contacted with the news for early morning broadcast and the information is shared through School Messenger.
- Consider signing up for District Urgent and e-Messaging notifications by going to then click on the blue “Parents” tab located on the left side of thepage. Click on the “District Communications” box and then click on the “e-Messaging”heading near the center of the page.
Pittsford Central School District parents are advised by letter every fall of the procedures to be followed when schools are closed or dismissed early.
Related School Activities
Schools will be dismissed early or closed due to inclement weather only when absolutely necessary because of safety concerns.
When school is closed for the day or is dismissed early, all evening school activities will be cancelled, including games, practices, club meetings, continuing education classes and other student activities. There may be exceptions if the weather clears by evening.
Family Contingency Plans
Have emergency plans and arrangements made and be sure your child understands them. In-form the teacher in advance of any special circumstances in the home that the school should know in the event of an early dismissal.
Parents are asked to sign a one-time permission slip each fall for all routine school sponsored field trips. The permission applies to all trips using school transportation and short walks. Teachers will notify you when specific trips are planned during the year.
PCSD Transportation Department
Bus Garage, Mendon Center Road, 267-1480
School Bus
All students who ride the school bus should carefully read and follow the bus regulations that are printed in the District Student Transportation Handbook mailed to all students’ homes before school begins in the fall.
As in previous years, parents are reminded that our transportation policy allows us to grant permission for children to ride a different bus from their own for the purpose of childcare only. This may be on a permanent, temporary, or single-day basis. A note requesting a change of bus, with the reason stated, is required. Even if your child may be riding their regular bus, but getting off at a different stop, they must have a note. Please send one note for each child.
Buses are not available for PTSA after-school enrichment classes.