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Code of Conduct


District Code of Conduct
The District has developed and will amend, as appropriate, a written Code of Conduct for the Maintenance of Order on School Property, including school functions, which shall govern the conduct of students, teachers and other school personnel, as well as visitors. The Board shall further provide for the enforcement of such Code of Conduct.

For purposes of this policy, and the implemented Code of Conduct, school property means in or within any building, structure, athletic playing field, playground, parking lot or land contained within the real property boundary line of the District's elementary or secondary schools, or in or on a school bus; and a school function shall mean a school-sponsored event or activity, or athletic contest, whether on school property or not.

The District Code of Conduct has been developed in collaboration with student, teacher, administrators, and parent organizations, school safety personnel and other school personnel.

The Dignity Act for All Students Act

New York State’s Dignity for All Students Act (a.k.a “The Dignity Act”) seeks to provide the State’s public elementary and secondary school students with a safe and supportive environment free from discrimination, intimidation, taunting, harassment, and bullying on school property, a school bus and/or at a school function.

For more information, please visit the District’s Dignity Act web page by going to the following link:

As part of the Dignity Act, we have created the following “Plain Language” Code of Conduct for our Elementary Students:

School Expectations

  • Students will be kind and respectful to all people in all settings.
  • Students will respect all property.
  • Students will make safe choices.
  • Students will try their best in all things.

Unacceptable School Behavior


Actions that occur repeatedly that make a person feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or disrespected.

Could be….
Physical- (ie. hitting, kicking, punching spitting, pushing)
Verbal- (ie. teasing, name calling, making threats)
Emotional- (ie. spreading rumors, leaving someone out)

Technology used inappropriately in order to hurt others.

Could be….
Email, text messages, social media, digital photographs, or videos


If bullying, cyberbullying, or harassment occurs, the school will work with you to make a plan to correct the problem. Parents will be notified. Consequences may occur in school and/or at home.

Post Incident Reflection (“rethink/re-do”)

Students will be required to answer the following questions.

  • What happened?
  • Who/what was harmed?
  • What needs to be done to make things right?
  • Was a school rule broken? Which one?
  • How can I or others behave differently in the future?

Park Road Code of Conduct and Behavioral Philosophy

Park Road utilizes a positive and proactive research based framework for supporting students with behavioral needs. This framework looks at student behavior through a positive lens, providing instruction, praise, encouragement, reinforcement and intervention regarding behavior in a timely fashion in order to encourage student engagement and success. During the school year, our Social Emotional Learning Committee, monitors student behaviors and works to support classroom staff in defining what these expectations look like in different settings across the school day (e.g. classroom, hallway, dismissal, cafeteria, etc.). Individual classroom management plans are built around our common framework, language and philosophy. All behavioral expectations will be directly taught, modeled and reinforced throughout the school year in multiple settings. We utilize common language and common systems to support our students. When problems do arise, we take a restorative approach to discipline, ensuring accountability for actions but importantly, working to identify ways that students can fix or restore relationships.

Our behavioral expectations are built around the framework of:

Park Road Works Together

We Are:


Park Road works together table



Students will be playing outside during recess with the exception of: rainy days, or days in which the temperature and wind-chill “feels like” 10 degrees or below. Boots, snow pants/suits, jackets, hats, and mittens/gloves are required on snowy, cold days.

To help ensure safety, sandals, flip-flops, and open-toed or high-heeled shoes are not allowed for playing ball sports (e.g. soccer, basketball, etc…). Students may not play on the playground with flip-flops or sandals. If students wear such footwear to school, please send them with sneakers to change into so that they can fully participate in recess.

Physical Education

There are specific guidelines for fourth and fifth graders’ dress for physical education. Students are to wear shorts and a t-shirt (no tank tops or spaghetti straps). The t-shirt must be long enough to cover the midriff area. Clothing for PE needs to be different from the clothing that students wear to school. All students must wear sneakers for PE.


Students are asked not to wear hats in the building. Exceptions can be made for religious and medical reasons.

Please note that students who do not follow these dress guidelines will be required to modify their appearance by covering or removing the inappropriate item and replacing it with an appropriate article of clothing.


As part of the Pittsford Social Emotional Learning Initiative, Park Road is working to build a culture of character and excellence.

Our focus is on:

Performance Character Moral Character
(Doing Your Best Work) (Being Your Best Self)
Goal Setting Caring
Perseverance Fairness
Strong Work Ethic Respect
Positive Attitude Integrity
Self-Discipline Responsibility

Our daily motto is “We Are: Kind, Safe and Respectful”.